The Williston High School Drama Club presents "Beauty and the Beast" after ten weeks of dedicated rehearsal, involving around 90 students and adults in the production. These talented individuals bring the iconic characters of "Beauty and the Beast" to life with their passion and skill, ensuring a spectacular performance that will resonate with audiences of all ages. They eagerly anticipate sharing this with you!

Performance Dates:

  • Thursday, April 18 @ 7:00 PM
  • Friday, April 19 @ 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, April 20 @ 2:00 PM
  • Sunday, April 21 @ 2:00 PM

Venue: WHS Theater

Featured Cast:

  • Belle: Aliyah Del Rosario
  • Beast: Teylor Fisk
  • Gaston: Blake Toavs
  • Lumiere: Clark Thurgood
  • Cogsworth: Jacob Sletton
  • Mrs. Potts: Kylie Johnson

"Disney's Beauty and the Beast" is presented under a special arrangement with Music Theater International (MTI), with all authorized performance materials supplied by MTI. Visit for more information.

However, this rendition of "Beauty and the Beast" will soon be archived, as Disney plans a Broadway revival for its anniversary year, making it unavailable for performances for a while. Additionally, the production is currently on a national tour. That's why you don't want to miss the opportunity to experience WHS Drama's rendition. Get your tickets at!

Engaging in school theater has been proven to positively impact both learning and social-emotional development. Research shows that participation in after-school musical theater programs enhances the confidence, creativity, resilience, responsibility, collaboration, and sense of community among at-risk middle school children. Furthermore, drama-based education improves students' connection to course material, as noted by one study. An overwhelming 95% of school administrators agree that theater activities enhance students' overall academic skills.

Don't miss out on this extraordinary theatrical event. Grab your tickets and join them for an unforgettable journey into the magical world of "Beauty and the Beast" at the Williston High School Theater.

WHS Drama Club: Beauty and the Beast

Gallery Credit: Mad Max

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